A small tree, Coccoloba uvifera, that grows on sandy beaches in tropical America; it has clusters of purple fruit.
A leafless plant found in sandy soils along the coast and inland from southern and central Europe to central Asia, Ephedra distachya, which has edible fruit and is harvested for the ephedrine found in its green stems.
Any plant in the genus Ephedra, especially those native to Europe and neighboring parts of Africa and Asia.
Seaweeds in the genus Caulerpa, eaten in Southeast Asia, especially Caulerpa lentillifera and Caulerpa racemosa.
Gulfweed, a kind of brown alga (Sargassum).
The clusters of gelatinous egg capsules of a squid (Loligo).
Any animal in the genus Molgula, bottom-dwelling sea squirts that look like peeled grapes.